
Assessment of resource-saving and environmental effects in the system «boiler room – heat consumers – environment» from insulation of external walls of houses

V. Kolesnyk1, А. Pavlуchenko1, І. Moniuk1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 61:116-128


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Goal. An estimation of level of maintenance of resources and degree of decline of ecological danger of extras is in the system «a boiler room – heart consumer – a boiler room» due to introduction of technology of warming of external walls of municipal multistoried building.

Research methodology is based: on determination of temperatures of not heat-insulated and heat-insulated surfaces of external walls typical 5-storey house by the layers of heat-insulating material by a portable radiation pyrometer; to the construction of cross-correlation dependences of temperatures of heat-insulated and not heat-insulated surfaces of wall in a heating season as equalizations of regression; to the comparative estimation of defervescences by the indicated surfaces by a radiation; evaluation of energyecological indexes of the indicated technology of warming.

Research results. On results the executed measuring of pyrometer the reliable sizes of decline of defervescence are certain from the surfaces of walls of much storeyed house, fragmentary heat-insulated outwardly the layers of foam plastic in thick 5 and a 10 cm, that comparatively with a brick surface laid down 6,34 kW on each 1000 meters square to the heat-insulated surfaces, and in relative sizes – close 2%. Thus marked a relative decline touches not only defervescence but also sizes of charges of fuel, extras of contaminants and corresponding indexes certain preliminary case-insensitive warming, that allows to estimate the even declines of the indicated indexes, saving resources and ecological effect from introduction of technology of warming.

Scientific novelty. Consists in the exposure of conformities to law of change of temperature of not heat-insulated surfaces of walls of house and corresponding changes of temperature of heat-insulated outwardly the layers of heat-insulation material, that allowed, to define differences in the sizes of defervescence the marked surfaces and to define them natural and relative values, that is used in the calculations of the energy ecological indexes in the system «a boiler room is consumers of heat – environment», conditioned by introduction of technology of warming.

Practical value. The certain relative sizes of decline of defervescence as a result of application of material that warms of external walls of houses are offered to use for prognostication or planning of energy ecological indexes necessary for the ground of mass introduction of technology of warming of municipal multistoried building.

Keywords: maintenance of resource in the systems of supply of heat, extras of contaminants by boiler rooms, ecological danger of extras of boiler rooms, energy efficiency of caldrons.


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