
Forecasting of atmospheric air pollution rates from drilling and blasting operations on iron mining quarries

А. Pavlуchenko1, Y. Buchavyi1, А. Khalak1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 61:129-142


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Goal. Development the methodology of dispersion  and precipitation processes modeling of dust and gas cloud caused by mass explosions in iron ore quarries.

Research methodology is based: on the rationale choosing of specified of atmospheric dispersion model of dust and gas cloud caused by drilling and blasting operations at iron ore pits to predict the air pollution rate around the quarry areas. In this work, we use the synthesis research method for analyzing literature to find an appropriate atmospheric dispersion model and mathematical modeling using software to predict the air pollution rate from the spread of a dust and gas cloud.

Research results. The potential environmental hazard and the extent of the dust and gas cloud from drilling and blasting operations on iron ore quarries are estimated. The expediency of using an unsteady three-dimensional model of the transport and sedimentation of significant impurities (dust) is justified, taking into account the dispersed composition of dust, the height of the dust and gas cloud at the time of its formation, and also the sedimentation rate of dust particles depending on their weight. The modeling of the processes of formation and diffusion-transfer of a dust and gas cloud from blasting operations at a quarry for certain meteorological conditions and predicting the levels of atmospheric air pollution in the adjacent territories was carried out.

Scientific novelty consists in identifying the process of the subsidence of dust particles of various fractions on the earth's surface as the dust and gas clouds transfer and disperse from drilling and blasting.

Practical value. The proposed model will make it possible to predict the displacement and dispersion parameters of a dust and gas cloud, calculate dust concentrations in areas adjacent to a quarry, and also reasonably choose the most effective dust and gas cloud localization schemes for specific technological and climatic conditions.

Keywords: drilling and blasting operations, dust and gas cloud, iron ore quarries, air pollution, atmospheric dispersion modeling.


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