
Quality as an object of modern industrial production management

K. Ziborov1, N. Rott1, T. Pismenkova1, S. Fedoriachenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 61:143-152


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The purpose of the work is to substantiate the need to use in the training of a specialist in materials science, that will allow performing the task of quality management of industrial production. As a result of successful mastering of methods and rules of metrological examination the student receives professional qualities in the field of production and technological activity, allowing to carry out development and examination of new technical regulations, national standards, standards of organizations and other normative documentation. work and analysis of the causes of shortages and violations of technology, to ensure the adaptation of regulatory and technical documentation to modernization, unification of products and the functioning of the enterprise.

The research methodology is to substantiate the requirements for the need to ensure constant compliance between the properties of new materials used in mechanical engineering, and increasingly stringent working conditions.

Research results. Methods of checking the quality of finished products according to the Standard have been established and substantiated, which allows checking not on all parameters, but on complexes of several parameters in each group. In this case, various metrological tools are required. The material and technical support of the metrological laboratory, which checks the gears for compliance with the results of DSTU, is substantiated.

Scientific novelty. Methods for determining the accumulated error of the circumferential pitch of gears with the use of laboratory equipment and randomly selected product samples are proposed. The methods can be adapted to a wide range of production items.

Practical meaning. The presented methods allow to assess the quality of finished products and, accordingly, to monitor and adjust the production line in order to maintain a given level of accuracy for controlled parameters. As a result, the quality of production can be controlled by enrolling the developed mathematical models.

Keywords: competence, quality indicators, gearing, step error.


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