
Analysis of additive 3D-printing technologies application in the construction industry

D. Laukhin1, L. Dadiverina1, A. Tverdohleb2, I.Matsyuk2

1 State Higher Education Institution “PrydniprovskaState Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 61:163-177


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Purpose. The research is directed towards the improvement of existing methods of planning and organization of construction, taking into account the requirements and features of using additive 3D-printing technologies.

Methodology. For this purpose the analysis and classification of modern 3D additive technologies was performed. These technologies successfully proved themselves in the world of construction production. The specifications of 3D-printing, technologies, materials, directions for building 3D-printers, and the requirements for the organization of construction sites were considered.

Reseatch resultsThe factors that influence widely used 3D-printing technologies in the construction industry of Ukraine are identified. An analysis of the main distinguishing aspects of additive manufacturing for construction allowed us to identify the necessary steps to increase the efficiency of use and highlight promising directions for the development of 3D printing.

Scientfie novelty. Wide use of 3D-printing in construction is a matter of time, it will allow combining the latest scientific developments in the field of engineering, technology, materials science, architecture, design, and construction.

Practical implications. Such integration into the new unified innovation system provides for the solution of a whole range of issues and problems which require the improvement methods of planning, organization and management of construction production, allowing the effective use of the latest additive 3D-printing technologies in Ukraine.

Keywords: additive technologies; 3D-printer; 3D-printing; planning and organization of construction production.


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