
The method of determining the direction of deepening of a pit floor

© O. Anisimov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:16-25


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Purpose. The created method of determining the direction of deepening of a pit floor at development of iron ore deposits and formation of borders of deep pits by steeply inclined layers is intended for deep steep formation.

The research of the methodology is to establish the sequence of determining the angle and direction of deepening of the pit floor according to the proposed technological scheme. At working off of steeply inclined layers the deepening of a pit floor of a deep open pit is got at the expense of correct placement of explosivetrench. The allocation of queues of development at the field allows to form the pit floor of the open pit with the subsequent movement of the mining front using steeply inclined layers. The graphoanalytical method using geological sections of the steep formation is used.

Findings. The created technique allows to determine the angles of the direction of deepening of the pit floor of the open pit. New analytical dependences are proposed, which allow to determine the average angle of the direction of development of the steep formation. With phased formation of the pit, the angle of the direction of development of the field within the stage is proposed as the average value of the angles of the direction of development on the horizons.

The originality. Analytical dependences have been established to determine the angle and the direction of deepening of the pit floor, taking into account the angles of slopes on the hanging and laying borders of the pit, which allows to determine the most promising directions of deepening (angles) on the existing nearest geological sections.

Practical implications. The graph-analytical method gives a possibility to determine the appropriate direction of deepening the pit floor of the open pit on a separate horizon and within the block during the stage formation of the working zone. The results of the research allowed to perform the analysis of sections in the conditions of the open pit of Poltava Mining and to prepare data on the establishment of indicators of deepening of the pit floor during staged development by steeply inclined layers.

Keywords: angle of the direction of deepening of a pit floor, steeply inclined layers, technological schemes of open development of deposits.


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