
Modernization of complex of technical solutions by means of implementing device for transmitting an alarming signal of RFID tag

D. Zaikina1, N. Schwager 2

1 Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

2Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:26-38


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The purpose of the work is to focus on the main problems of speech signal transmission (SOS), methods of their recognition and search for solutions.

Research methods. An  integrated  approach  is  applied,  including  the  collection,  systematization  and analysis of actual data;methods of system analysis;steady state time counting method; simulation of the proposed device.

Results. An overview analysis of the problem of speech signal transmission is presented, namely, methods that increase the accuracy of signal segmentation/pause in the processing of speech signals and methods of their recognition, which is very relevant for the development of RFID communication systems capable of automatically generating and demodulating signals in a variety of frequency bands and modulation modes. In addition, the listed methods and methods provide a preliminary assessment of the possibility of using new devices in signal processing tasks. In addition, the listed methods and approach areprovideda preliminary assessment of the possibility of using new devices in signal processing tasks.The range of data transmission technologies used has been determined.Examples of displaying information on the display using the Inner Range Integriti GateKeeper program for the dispatcher's work, which allows you to automatically log in to the system, display maps and incident in a specially selected lower zone of the display window, are given. For the achievement of goals, the simulation of the work of the solver was carried out using the Circuit Simulator Applet software envelope. The results of testing the device are described.

Scientific novelty. Based on the results of a comparison of the capabilities of the considered approaches, it is proposed to use a device that is a component of the HD TAG ISO tag, with a steady state for transmitting an alarm signal, which is necessary when the worker's well-being deteriorates. A two-stage synchronous RS flip-flop is used as a solver.

Practical significance. The technical solution in terms of building information systems to modernize the complex of technical solutionsis improved.

Key words: methods for determining the location of underground personnel, tag, flip-flop.


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