
Justificationof options of ecological protection of mine field areas in conditions of groundwater level recovery

I. Sadovenko1, A. Zahrytsenko1, N. Dereviahina1

1Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:65-76


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Purpose. Justification of protective ecological measures for potential underflooding zones in conditions of mine liquidation through adaptation of a method of predicting the filtration in a technogenic environment of undermined rock massif.

Methodologyofresearch. The most universal and reliable method of predicting complex and multifactor hydrodynamic processes is mathematical modelling. Natural and technogenic inhomogeneity of mine rocks, complex geometry of geological formations, change of boundary conditions in time, influence of operation of adjacent mines, and other factors are considered on a numerical model of the mine field realized by the finite-difference method. These factors are crucial for reliable predictive estimates and effective engineering protection. Modelling methodology includes simulation on a model of coal reserves extraction chronology by periods (epignosis) and predictive calculations at all stages of enterprise operation.

Findings. The patterns of change of filtration and capacitive parameters of the massif, the area of distribution of increased water permeability zones in time are established and components of water balance of the Carboniferous and cover aquifers are quantitatively estimated for the natural-technogenic environment of the mine field. Predictive hydrodynamic solutions are obtained for the conditions of mine field closure and flooding. Technical risks of operation of adjacent mines and ecological consequences on the surface are quantitatively estimated. It is established that the period of complete groundwater level recovery occurs within three years with a formation of potential underflooding and waterlogging zones on the surface in a floodplain of the Samara River.

Scientific novelty. The factors of formation of increased water inflows into the mine and patterns of change of filtration and capacitive parameters of a rock massif during the entire period of mine operation are established.This allows establishing the use inefficiency of submersible pumps to protect against flooding in a floodplain of the Samara River and to justify the most rational option for construction of a water intake in the stratum of paleochannel sandstones of high permeability.

Practical significanceOptions of the mine field eco-protection through determining the level of drainage by stationary or submersible pumps, their efficiency, economy and environmental friendliness are considered. The alternative option to protect the floodplain from underflooding by building a water intake in the productive stratum of paleochannel sandstones of high permeability is recommended.

Keywords: numerical modelling, mine field hydrodynamics, mine flooding, floodplain underflooding, eco-protection


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