
Comprehensive assessment of the hydrodynamic and geomechanical state of the eastern side of PJSC "INGZK" open pit according to prospective mining expanding

V. Tymoshchuk1, Y. Sherstiuk1, А. Lozovyi1

1Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:77-87


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Purpose is to determine the regularities of mining water inflows to the eastern side of the pit PJSC "InGZK" and assess the hydrodynamic and geomechanical state of its northeastern section to substantiate the technical solutions for its hydraulic protection in terms of prospective development of mining operations.

The methodology of research consists in a comprehensive study of the geological and hydrogeological conditions and the geomechanical state of the eastern side of the open pit PJSC "InGZK" using geophysical methods of exploration, numerical modeling of groundwater flow and stress-strain state in rock massifs under conditions defined by the complex interaction of natural and technical elements in the system "iron ore pit – rock dump No. 3 – alluvial sediments within the Inhulets river floodplain".

Findings. The geological structure of the eastern side section of the pit has been specified and the watertable elevation of the technogenic aquifer within the rock dump No. 3 has been determined by the results of geophysical studies performed, consisting of electrotomography and audiomagnetotelluric sounding. The forecast of water influx and its distribution for the conditions of construction new Inhulets River channel according to its design position, taking into account the prospective expanding of mining operations, has been made on the basis of the defined regularities of hydrodynamic mode within the pit eastern side. Weakening zones of the rock mass disturbed by mining operations have been determined and approaches to increasing its stability have been substantiated based on the results of numerical stress-strain state modeling of the pit wall northeastern section.

The originality. New data on the nature of geological strata bedding and technogenic aquifer within the eastern side of the open pit and at the base of dump No. 3 have been obtained. Measures to increase the rock mass stability near pit side are justified through the systematic variant study of hydrodynamic processes and the stress-strain state of the rocks composing the eastern side of the open pit.

Practical implications. The results of the performed studies form the basis for substantiating technical solutions to ensure the stability of the northeastern part of the pit side in terms of prospective development of mining operations.

Key wordsiron ore open pit, groundwater, groundwater flow mode, geophysical studies, numerical modeling, open pit mine influx, geomechanical stability, cut-off wall.


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