
Directions of methods improvement of assessing operational indicators of load haul dump machines in the development of uranium deposits

L. Shyrin1, I. Iniutkin1, A. Shyrin1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:112-125


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Purpose. Increasing the operational productivity and efficiency of new generation mining load haul dump (LHD) loaders by taking complex account of the influence of mining and technological factors on their adaptive capacity in the real conditions of the mine environment.

The research methodology consists in the use of theoretical and experimental methods and means of complex research to determine the operating modes of the LHD, aimed at studying the features of the interaction of elements of the transport and technological system of uranium mines with constantly changing parameters of the mine environment.

Results. The real profiles of the soil of mine workings in the areas of work of the LHD were investigated and the main statistical characteristics of the micro-profile of the right and left track of an unpaved mine road on characteristic sections of transport workings were determined.The performed studies of the interaction of the constituent elements of the transport and technological system "LHD - mine environment" are the basis for substantiating the parameters of resource and energy-saving technologies for the development of uranium deposits using self-propelled equipment of a new generation, providing a gradual increase in the production capacity of enterprises in the industry and an increase in energy raw resources.

Scientific novelty. The directions of improving the methodology for assessing the performance of new generation loading and hauling machines in specific conditions of the development of uranium deposits, based on taking into account the characteristics of the limiting factors of the mine environment, constantly changing in time and spatial conditions, have been established.

Practical value significance of the work is to establish the operational parameters of new generation loading and hauling machines when transporting uranium ore in underground workings of complex configuration and the development of "Initial requirements for the creation of an energy-saving cyclical-flow technology for haulage of uranium ore from mining blocks."

Key words: LHD, mine environment, operational performance, mine road profile.


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