
Technological directions of coal enrichment waste processing

А. Pavlуchenko1, О. Haidai1, V. Firsova1, V. Ruskykh1, I. Tkach1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:139-148


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Goal. Substantiation and choice of rational parameters of coal beneficiation waste processing technology.

Research methodology is based on a comprehensive analytical approach to solving problems to determine the physical and mechanical properties of raw materials of man-made waste of coal mining enterprises, as well as qualitative and quantitative composition using chemical, thermal, X-ray and mineralogical analyses.

Research results. The methods of processing and conditioning of minerals represented by waste and fine coal particles are analysed. The possibility of obtaining fuel with high thermal and physical and mechanical properties, sufficient mechanical strength, water and heat resistance is substantiated. It is established that the use of high-ash coal sludge provides calorific value of not less than 2500 kcal/kg; when electrokinetic clumping of compositions with low-ash coal can reach 4500 kcal/kg, when agglomerating with anthracite sludge and culms up to 6000 kcal/kg. The effective direction and technology of coal enrichment waste processing are substantiated.

Scientific novelty. The novelty is to identify patterns of influence of mechanical activation, waste composition and other factors when using electric and kinetic agglomerating to obtain composite fuel. Establishing patterns allows to provide work on the design of a universal installation that can be used to develop almost all types of man-made waste.

Practical value. The directions of processing of coal beneficiation wastes depending on their qualitative and quantitative composition, coal content, physical and mechanical properties to obtain composite fuel are substantiated.

Keywords: coal industry, coal mining waste, sludge, composite fuel, agglomerating, waste.


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