
Construction of closed lightweight gears

S. Shatov1, I. Matsyuk2, E. Shlyahov2

1 State Higher Education Institution “PrydniprovskaState Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:187-195


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Purpose. This paper considers possible ways to reduce the mass of a closed mechanical transmission on the example of a toothed cylindrical single-stage gearbox by optimizing its housing.

Methodology. The paper shows that the reduction of metal consumption of a single-stage gear cylindrical gearbox is relevant for the machine-building industry. Reducing the cost of material resources leads to lower costs. The use of new structural materials, in particular, plastics, polymers and composites, which have significant strength, increased corrosion resistance, hardness, contributes to the economy of metal.The gearbox housing is its basic part with the largest metal consumption, it accounts for up to 80% of the total weight of the product. It absorbs the loads acting in the gearbox, and also removes the heat generated during its operation. The main criteria for the reliability of body parts are strength, rigidity, wear resistance and durability. The required rigidity is achieved by optimizing the shape and size of the body elements, as well as through the rational placement of the stiffeners. Thus, without changing the elements of the base of the housing, providing its rigidity, its weight is reduced by removing unloaded areas. The removed metal can be replaced by a light non-metallic material.

Reseatch resultsAs a result of the study, a three-dimensional model of a single-stage gearbox with a capacity of 2.2 kW was built, which was tested for strength and rigidity using Autodesk Fusion 360. Low-load areas of the body base and removable cover have been removed.

Scientfie novelty. The paper presents the results of a study of reducing the mass of a single-stage gear cylindrical gearbox by optimizing the design of its body using 3D printing.

Practical implications. The engineering industry uses innovative technologies, which include 3D printing of individual parts of gears. The technology of 3D-printing is based on the principle of layer-by-layer creation (growing) of a solid model and it can be done in different ways and using different materials. The paper suggests the most common ways to create objects - selective laser sintering and stereoscopic printing.

Keywords: closed mechanical transmission, gear reducer, weight reduction, 3D printing, design optimization


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