
Influence of deviations oflocation of mining hoistvessel on stressed state of head rubber-cablerope

D. Kolosov1,O. Bilous2, H. Tantsura2,  S. Onyshchenko1, O. Chernysh1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine

2 Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:196-204


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Purpose. Establishment of dependencies caused by the influence of deviations of a mine hoist vessel location on a stress-strain state of head rubber-cable tractive element.

Methodology of research is in using the methods of mechanics of layered structures with hard and soft layers to construct analytical models of interaction of steel cables, which are arranged parallel in one plane within a rubber-cable tractive element as a composite structure, that interact through a layer of rubber. Also, in mathematical modelling of a stress-strain state of a rubber-cable tractive element considering the deviations of a mine hoist vessel location from the design position.

Findings. Analytical dependencies of internal loading forces on cables, cable displacements and shear angles of elastic material located between the cables of a rubber-cable tractive element, which are caused by the influence of deviations of a mine hoist vessel location from the design position, are established. The conditions of rope strength in a closed analytical form are formulated. The permissible deviations of a rope connection device to a vessel are determined.

Scientific novelty is in establishment of analytical dependencies of parameters of a stress-strain state of a rubber-cable tractive element caused by the influence of deviations of a mine hoist vessel location from the design position.

Practical significance. Obtained dependencies allow determining the internal force factors in cables and a rubber layer as elements of a composite tractive element that is connected and interacts with a vessel of a mine hoist, which is deviated from the design position. The mechanism of influence of a scheme of rope connection to elements of a machine or structure is specified, what allows selecting the parameters of a rope and a lifting machine more reasonably. One of the problems associated with the usage of flat rubber-cable ropes as the head ropes of mine hoists and elevators is fixed. This provides a condition of strength and usage safety of flat rubber-cable ropes as the head ropes of a hoisting machine.

Keywords: mining hoist, deviation of vessel location, rubber-cable tractive element, mechanics of layered composite structures, mathematical model, analytical solution, stress-strain state.


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