
Determination of the common man-caused clay deposit parameters in the internal pit dump

B. Sobko1, O. Lozhnikov1, R. Dychkovskyi1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 63:7-16


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Purpose. Substantiation of the efficient parameters of a common man-caused clay deposit on the territory of the pit internal dump at the surface mining of placer deposits.

Research methodology. The analytical research method was used to determine the main parameters of a common man-caused clay deposit in the pit internal dump, taking into account the thickness of the stored layer of raw materials. The graphical research method was used to determine the most efficient thickness of a common man-caused deposit in the pit internal dump during the surface mining of placer deposit.

The results. It has been confirmed that with an increase of the section length of a man-caused deposit from 100 to 400 m, its actual area increases by 16% from 52 to 63 hectares, while the volume of the dams construction works decreases in 1.6 times from 10.3 to 6.7 million m3. The established parameters of common man-caused deposits during the development of placer deposits make it possible to assert that, in relation to the volume of work on the dams construction, the most efficient is a man-caused deposit with a thickness of 10 m, but its submission will lead to a 2.2 times increase of the area of land required for the placement of accompany raw materials in comparison with man-caused deposit with a thickness of 20 m.

Scientific novelty. Dependences of the thickness and area of man-caused deposit on its width during the pit internal dump formation have been established. The dependences of the actual area of man-caused deposit and the work volume of the dams construction on the length of its section with accompany raw materials for man-caused deposits with a thickness of 10 and 20 m are determined.

Practical value. The effective parameters of a common man-caused deposit have been determined depending on its capacity and the volume of accompany raw materials that are placed in it. A method for establishing the required number of common man-cause deposit sections, determining the work volume of the dams construction and the actual area of common man-caused deposit in the pit internal dump has been developed.

Key words: surface mining, pit, common man-caused deposit, clay, dump, accompany raw materials.


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