
Study of the influence of excavator typesize on the boundaries of open pit mining

I. Hryhoriev1, S. Lutsenko2, Ju. Hryhoriev2, Je. Tkachuk3, M. Ghora2

1SE «State Design Institute «Krivbasproekt», Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

2Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

3Ltd. «Rudomai», Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 63:26-36


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PurposeThe quarries of domestic mining enterprises, for the most part, go to the final design contours. In this aspect, an important role is assigned to the actualization of the boundaries of open-cast mining and, accordingly, other main parameters of the open-pit, which are closely related to them. The determination of these boundaries should take into account the maximum of economic and technological factors. The issue of determining the rational standard size of mining and loading equipment is important and relevant, since a correctly selected model range of equipment significantly affects not only the technical and economic indicators of open pit mining, but also, in general, the main parameters of the open pit. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify dependencies and study the influence of parameters of excavation and loading equipment on the boundaries of the open pit.

Methodology. The paper uses methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific sources, Rzhevsky's graphical-analytical method during determining the final contours of a open-pit, applied correlation analysis to establish analytical dependences of open-pit depth on excavator bucket volume.

Results. Two factors have been identified that have a different impact on the final career depth. On the one hand, an increase in the operating parameters of an excavator leads to an increase in depth, on the other hand, the dynamics of technical and economic indicators leads to a decrease depth of the open pit. The mathematical dependences of the cumulative effect of technical and economic indicators and operating parameters of an excavator on the depth of a open-pit have been obtained.

Scientific novelty. The dependence of the final open-pit depth on the excavator bucket capacity has been established. It was found that the technical and economic indicators have a greater impact than the operating parameters and with an increase in the size of the excavator, the depth of the open-pit decreases.

Practical significance. The results of the studies performed can be used by design organizations and mining enterprises to determine the final contours of open-pits developing steeply dipping deposits.

Key words: boundaries of open pit mining, excavator, productivity, open-pit depth, economic overburden ratio.


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