
Basic requirements to contamination preventions and floods for gas pipelines of degassing and vacuum pumps

S. Mineev1, V. Kocherga1, L. Novikov1, A. Gulay2, A. Bodnar2

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Private joint-stock company“Mine administration “Pokrovskoye”, Pokrovsk, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 63:37-48


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The purpose of the work is analysis of technical measures to reduce pollution of the mine degassing network and vacuum pumps with solid deposits and water accumulations.

Research methods. To solve the task, the analysis of sources and causes contamination of gas pipelines for degassing and vacuum pumps was carried out in the work. The main requirements for devices for preventing contamination of the mine degassing network and vacuum pumps, as well as design schemes and principles of operation these devices are considered.  

The results. Analysis of the sources and causes of pollution degassing gas pipelines shows that degassing wells are the main sources of dust, sludge and water. Local solid deposits lead to a decrease in the flow areas of gas pipelines by up to 30%. In places where water accumulates, losses in the throughput of gas pipelines are observed, which can reach 50% of the vacuum created by vacuum pumps. Accumulations of water lead to pronounced fluctuations in gas-dynamic parameters in gas pipelines for degassing. The characteristic form of water accumulation is considered. The results of experimental studies of changes in the absolute pressure of a methane-air mixture (MAM) in a gas pipeline with an accumulation of a liquid phase are present. The basic requirements, which are present in gas pipelines for degassing, operating conditions of devices intended for cleaning MAM and water drainage, as well as design features and the principle of operation of these devices, are stated. The work of the module for anti-scale water treatment is considered. 

Scientific novelty. Cleaning of the MAM from the dispersed phase and removing water from the mine degassing system makes it possible to select the modes of MAM movement along by sections of the gas pipeline network in a wider range..

The practical significance. Carrying out technical measures to reduce the contamination of the degassing network and vacuum pumps allows reducing the cost of cleaning gas pipelines for degassing, reducing electricity consumption for MАМ cleaning and increasing efficiency of degassing.

Keywords: methane-air mixture, gas pipeline for degassing, degassing network, water accumulations, devices for cleaning.   


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