
Substantiation of technology of demineralization of wastewater as a component of technological flows of coal mines

A. Khorolskyi1, V. Lapko2, V. Salli2, O. Mamaikin2

1Institute for Physics of Mining Processes the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 63:61-73


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Purpose. Propose a technology for the treatment of mine wastewater for the conditions of Western Donbass.

The methods. A comparative analysis of various technologies for treating mine wastewater has been carried out, as well as evaluation criteria have been proposed. Based on the use of specialized software, the scope of application of various purification technologies is justified and the calculation of the unit cost of purification is carried out.

Findings. The paper provides a comparative characteristic of the main methods of desalination used in the world. The main parameter for assessing the effectiveness of the technological method was selected specific electricity consumption per 1 m3 of the product. The paper presents the calculation of capital investments, the methodology for assessing the volume of operational and capital investments, and also defines the main economic indicators of the estimate of the mine wastewater demineralization complex.

The originality. A new model is proposed that describes the production activity of an underground mining complex for the delivery of four productive components to the surface. These components are coal, rock, methane gas and mine water. Considering their stochastic nature, it is customary for the mathematical description of the processes of movement of coal (C), rock (R), methane (G) and water (W) to represent them as flows in a certain technological system of converters, including during the diversification of mining. At the same time, the purpose of the transformations is to obtain basic and additional resources of raw materials, as well as to minimize environmental damage. For the first time, water is considered as a productive flow in the structure of productive flows of coal mines. Justification of the parameters of mine water treatment technology will improve the efficiency of the coal enterprise.

Practical implimintation. For practical application in the work, it is proposed to choose the Stashkov mine as a subject of research for the use of a desalination complex through large volumes of contaminated wastewater (1200 m3/h) and the planned closure of coal mining at the mine with possible subsequent wet or dry conservation. For the full and effective use of reverse osmosis, a set of works on preliminary treatment, screening, coagulation and flocculation, softening and sedimentation (sedimentation) of water were considered and selected.

Key words: productive flow, demineralization, wastewater, reverse osmosis, efficiency, criterion.


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