
Optimization of physical and mechanical parameters of fuel products obtained from treatment of coal industry waste

А. Pavlуchenko1, О. Haidai1, V. Firsova1, T. Lampika1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 63:88-97


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Goal. Determination of rational physical and mechanical properties of composite fuel from coal industry waste.

The research methodology consists in establishing rational parameters of technological processes during laboratory and industrial experiments during the production of solid fuel from dispersed raw materials, which includes waste from the coal industry. A comprehensive analytical approach to solving problems to determine the physical and mechanical properties of finished fuel, which must meet the technical and environmental requirements for their use, is applied.

Research results. The analysis of suitability of coal industry waste for use as raw materials for production of composite fuel is executed. It is proposed to use raw materials from waste from coal mining enterprises to reduce the shortage of coal. Ways to optimize the physical and mechanical properties of fuel in the processing of coal sludge and the use of rubbles to obtain fuel compositions are considered. It is establishedthat the increase of particle charge (on the example of anthracite sludge) from 12.0 to 58.6 mV leads to an increase in its lump strength from 13.3 to 75.6 kg/cm2. The necessary types of binders and activating components and their concentration and percentage ratio for the composition for a number of coal sludge and rubblesare substantiated and determined: organic – clutter 15-20% and inorganic – physical solutions 1.5-2.2%.

Scientific novelty. Patterns of changes in the quality and physical and mechanical properties of the finished composite fuel depending on the type of waste from the coal industry used in its manufacture are identified.

Practical value. Technological schemes of composite fuel production from products of waste processing of coal concentrators are substantiated.

Keywords: waste, coal industry, sludge, composite fuel, production, processing, technological solutions, physical and mechanical properties.


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