
Justification of method of calculationof stress-strain state of hoisting rubber-cable ropeconsidering influence of cable base breakages and multiple factors

D. Kolosov1,S. Onyshchenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 63:98-114


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Purpose. Development and justification of a method of analytical determination of a stress-strain state of a flat rubber-cable rope of a mine hoisting machine considering the influence of multiple external factors, including such as technical condition of a machine and vessel guides, and loss of rope tractive capacity caused by cable breakages.

Methodology of research is to develop a mathematical model of a stress-strain state of a rubber-cable rope of a mine hoisting machine considering the influence of multiple factors and cable base breakages and construction of analytical solutions for different boundary conditions of rope deformation.

Findings. A stress-strain state of a hoisting rubber-cable rope during interaction with a mechanical system "hoisting vessel – reinforcement" in mine shafts with disturbed geometry is established. Analytical expressions, obtained in a general, closed form allow determining additional internal resistance forces in rope cables, maximum values of stress concentration coefficients in rope cables, for a rope under the influence of external factors, in a case of breakage of one of the cables. An analytical solution is constructed for a possibility to determine the magnitude of tractive capacity loss by the flat rubber-cable rope for a case of joint influence of damage to tractive cables of the flat tractive element and design parameters of a hoisting machine, and deviations of a shaft reinforcement from the design values.

Scientific novelty is in establishment and comprehensive consideration of dependencies of formation, redistribution and change of a stress-strain state of a hoisting rubber-cable rope, considering the joint influence of damage to tractive cables of a flat composite tractive element and design parameters of a mine hoisting machine, and deviations of a mine shaft from the vertical.

Practical significance. The obtained algorithms and the method of determining a stress-strain state of a flat rubber-cable rope provide a possibility to add the influence of a cable breakage to the known condition of a hoisting installation rope. They also provide a possibility to determine a stress-strain state of a rope under the influence of multiple factors, including technical condition of a hoist and vessel guides. A possibility to establish a stress-strain state of a rope due to breakages of different cables in different cross-sections allows reasonable determination of a possibility of further operation of a hoisting installation in mine shafts with disturbed geometry, including after accidents and technogenic disasters.

Keywords: mine hoisting machine, flat rubber-cable rope, mathematical model, boundary conditions, stress-strain state, factors of influence, cable base breakage, comprehensive consideration, calculation method.


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