
Substantiation of the technological scheme of development of the outstripping overburden bench at quarry field curvilinear contour

B. Sobko1, V. Kardash1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:7-17


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The purpose of the research is to develop technological schemes of overburden rocks extraction on the outstripping overburden bench with a further rational scheme choice in the curvilinear quarry contour conditions.

Research methods – theoretical and experimental; graphic-analytical method; method of statistical and system analysis; method of technical and economic analysis for the selection of effective technological schemes for stripping operations.

Research results. As a result of the research, possible options for the development of the outstrippingoverburden bench were considered. A comparative technical and economic assessment of possible options for the mining operations progress, taking into account the change in the length of the mining operations front, has been carried out. The selection and justification of the technological scheme for the outstripping overburden bench development with a rotary complex using a KU-800 excavator at the Motronivsky GOK quarry for the period of the mining operations front in the northern part of the quarry field has been performed.

Scientific novelty. Possible directions of ensuring the required productivity of stripping operations on the outstripping ledge are proposed. The ratio of the prime cost of overburden development for the studied technological schemes has been established. The choice of a rational technological scheme with the lowest cost of stripping works has been made.

Practical value. The performed research allow us to choose a rational scheme for performing stripping mining operations, taking into account the curvilinear contour of the quarry field and ensuring the required performance of stripping operations by ensuring the necessary advancement of the mining operation front on the above-ore and middle stripping benches.

The expected technical and economic effect is expressed in a reduction in the overburden development cost due to the use of an efficient mining complex and a technological scheme for the overburden development.

Keywords: placer titanium-zirconium deposits, technological schemes, development system parameters, quarry field, working area of a quarry, curvilinear quarry contour.


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