
Planning of ore shotpileselective mining by the geoinformation technologies in the condition of the Ferrexpo Eristovo Mining

B. Sobko1, O. Lozhnikov1, G. Barabitskaya2

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2FERREXPO Yeristovo Mining, Horishni Plavni, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:18-29


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Purpose. Develop method for predicting the displacement of ore contours in the shotpile after the explosion to planning the ore raw materials selective mining at the development of iron ore quarries.

Research methodology. Actual surface measurements were used to determine the loosening coefficient for individual sections of rock mass collapse. The analytical methods were used to calculate the planes of the face sections before and after the explosion. Determination of the predicted position of the contours of iron ore in the shotpile was performed by the method of graphical selection.

The results. It is established that the loosening coefficient of the rock is variable in individual parts of the ore block and can be used to determine the predicted position of the ore contour. The main difference of proposed predicting methods consist in establish the expected position of contact of rocks and geological markers in the field, which will allow in the regular mode to control the development of the face by a pit geologist.

Scientific novelty. The dependence of the predicted position of the ore contour in the rock mass shotpile on the method of actual survey of the pit surface "before" and "after" the explosion when performing geometric constructions is established. Determined that the proposed method of prediction allow to minimize costs in the form of insignificant organizational changes at planning observance of qualitative indicators, reduction of risks and dangers at geological works is provided, and also efficiency of works on short-term planning system in rock mass shotpile increases.

Practical value. A method for determining the position of the ore contour in the rock mass shotpile has been developed. The possibility of using the predicted position of the ore contour for planning the selective mining of ore shotpile has been established. The expected economic effect of the proposed solutions is achieved by reducing the cost on processing rocks and low-grade ore when they fall on the crusher due to erroneous classification during the selective development of ore deposits.

Keywords: surface mining, iron ore, shotpile, selective mining, loosening coefficient, rock.


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