
Formation of technological schemes during working off steeply inclined layers

O. Anisimov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:30-42


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Purpose. Creation of technological schemes ofdevelopment of steeply inclined layers in the conditions of the formation of edges of deep iron ore pits during the development of deep steeply dipping deposits in order to determine the width of the working platform.

The research of the methodology consists in the development of new technological schemes and the use of existing schemes for the development of benches in the conditions of steeply dipping deposits. The next step is determining the width of the working platform, depending on the layout of the main equipment and the sequence of working off the bench. At the same time, the selected equipment allows to determine the parameters of the working platform of bench. For selecting the equipment, four options of equipment were distinguished according to the averaged parameters of modern mining machines, i.e. the method of averaging indicators was used.

Findings. New technological schemes have been developed, as well as existing technological schemes have been used to substantiate the width of the working platform during the formation of steeply inclined layers on the deep edges of pits during the development of deep iron ore deposits. A technique was created that allows you to preliminarily determine the width of the working platform using a nomogram that takes into account the height of the bench, one of the options of equipment that can be used in the development of the bench and the scheme of development.

The originality. Graphic dependencies were established for determining the width of the steeply inclined layer. These dependencies will be used during the development of the pit edge. Based on the obtained dependencies, taking into account the formation of technological schemes, it is possible to determine in advance what the width of the bench. Also, the complex mechanization (options 1-4) and the scheme with different heights of the bench are used, which allows to determine the most promising schemes of development, and in the future the rate of change in the level of areas of the steeply inclined layer.

Practical implications. The possibility was established by a graphical method to determine the optimal width of the working platform or layer on a separate horizon or within a block, using complex mechanization. The results allow to prepare data (mining flowsheet bench (s), a width platform (layer) by selecting the equipment suitable to work on the bench with the corresponding parameters) for further design of the staged development of steeply inclined layers of deep open pits.

Keywords: technological schemes of development of bench, steeply inclined layers, iron ore pits.


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