
Estimation of the efficiency of destroying hard rocks by composites sintered in the diamond-carbonate system

A. Isonkin1, A. Osipov1, А. Matviichuk1

1V. Bakul Institute for superhard materials of NAS of Ukraine,Kyiv

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:43-54


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The purpose of this work is to substantiate the possibility of using a new composite sintered in the "diamond-carbonate" system for equippingdiamond drilling tools with high wear resistance and efficiency of rock destruction.

The research technique consisted in establishing the influence of the wear resistance of the cutting edge of the samplesof a superhard composite diamond-containing material on the efficiency of rock destruction, assessed by the granulometric composition of its sludge.

Research results. The two-phase superhard composite materials diamond – CaMg(CO3)2 and diamond – SrCO3 were obtained as a result of sintering by the method of impregnation of diamond micropowder with carbonate melts under conditions of a high pressure of 8.0 GPa and a temperature of 2100 °C. Wear resistance of the investigated composite sampleswas determined by based on the results of turning the core of granite from the Korostyshevskoye deposit of the X category of drilling. Determination of the size and shape of particles of granite fragments of the Korostyshevskoye deposit, taken during its destruction was carried out by laser diffraction and digital image analysis using a Microtrac Sync analyzer.The relationship between the degree of its wear of the cutting edge of composite samplesand the energy consumption of rock destruction, the size distribution of particles in the cuttings sample and their specific surface was established after analyzing the results of the study of wear resistance and the nature of their wear. Plates of the diamond–CaMg(CO3)2 composite, which have a higher wear resistance compared to other composites, are characterized by an increase in the proportion of large particles in the cuttings sample and a decrease in the value of their specific surface, which indicates a more rational use of energy, which goes to a greater extent for destruction rock and to a lesser extent for friction and wear.

Practical value. The research results allow us to make a conclusion about the advisability of equipping a drilling rock cutting tool with samplesof a diamond–CaMg(CO3)2 composite in order to increase its wear resistance and the efficiency of rock destruction.

Keywords: diamond, dolomite, strontium carbonate, high pressure, destruction of rocks, wear, wear resistance.


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