
Development of a method for determining the stability reserve of iron ore pit board section

 V. Sidorenko1, A. Romanenko2, V. Panchenko3

1Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

2Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

3National Technical University «Dnipro Polytechnic», Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:68-80


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The purpose of this article is to develop a new methodology for assessing the stability margin of iron ore opencast sides sections.

The sequence of work. To achieve this goal, at the first stage, high-resolution photography was carried out for characteristic sections of the pit wall, followed by computer processing of photographs to assess the fracturing of rocks. The next step was the calculation of the fractal dimension of the array section from the obtained images using the ImageJ and FracLac programs, including the MicroMod2015 plug-in package (add-ons).

The next step was assess the disturbance of the massif due to fracturing, a study of the relationship between the fractal dimension and the coefficient of structural weakening was carried out (this coefficient is determined by the classical method through the ratio of the strength of rocks in the massif and in the sample).

At the last stage of the work, after establishing the specified connection and calculating the coefficient of structural weakening of rocks that based on the results of determining the fractal dimension, an assessment of the stability margin iron ore opencast sides sections that carried out. The known dependence of the stability safety factor on the coefficient of structural weakening of the array was used. As a result of comparing the fractal dimension of the exposed massif areas based on photographs with the calculation by classical methods, the discrepancy in the structural attenuation coefficient was 5-10%. This indicates a satisfactory convergence and allows the use of this express technique for assessing the fracturing of a section of a pit flank on the basis of fractal dimension.

The scientific novelty of the results obtained - for the first time, the analytical dependence of the structural weakening coefficient of rocks on the fractal dimension of the massif cracks was established, which made it possible to simplify the procedure for its calculation.

The practical significanceof the work lies in the creation of a new methodology for assessing the stability margin of an iron ore opencast side sections that the basis of rock fractures fractal analysis.

Keywords: quarry, board stability, fracture, fractal dimension, structural weakening coefficient, stock stability margin.


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