
Developing a model parameter optimization of coal mines under diversification

A. Khorolskyi1, V. Pochepov2, V. Lapko2, V. Salli2, O. Mamaikin2

1Institute for Physics of Mining Processes the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:99-111


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Purpose. To propose a new methodological approach to optimizing the parameters of the functioning of coal mines in the context of diversification.

The methods. The production flows of coal mines are considered, as well as production functions. To solve the problem of diversification of production, the relationship between the types of resources expended, as well as the level of production in the form of raw materials, was compared. Based on the production function of Cobb-Douglas, a model of life support for the operation of a coal mine is built, considering the possibility of diversifying the activity.

Findings. For the first time, the paper proposes a model for optimizing the parameters of mining in the context of diversification, which demonstrates the ratio of production functions and resources. With the help of the developed model, it is possible to trace in time the efficiency of the use of production resources, to determine the volume of production, to calculate the main parameters of the functioning of coal mines, to study at the expense of which resources the increase in productivity is achieved.

The originality. For the first time, the possibility of diversifying mining activities by changing production flows is considered. Methodological recommendations for assessing the production activity of the mining complex are given. In this work, for the first time, to improve the efficiency of coal mines functioning, the internal potential of the technological scheme is considered, and the components that form it are analyzed. This made it possible to form management decisions, which consist in determining the volume of production, as well as the ratio between the attracted resources necessary to ensure the specified volume of production, constant monitoring of the use of resources, by establishing a rational ratio between fixed assets, labor, material resources; as well as establishing the interchangeability of productive flows in the aggregate balance sheet.

Practical implementation. For practical application, the paper proposes a method for determining the rational volume of production from the standpoint of optimizing the production activities of an enterprise, as well as the ratio of production resources to achieve a given scale of production. Thus, there is an increase in capital productivity with the same degree of use of fixed assets, labor, materials. For the full and effective use of the technology, a specific example was considered to determine the optimal method of manufacturing products for a coal mining enterprise.

Keywords: productive flow, production function, method of production, production function, efficiency, criterion.


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