
Substantination of carbon fiber as an innovative materials for fistening of mining workings of coal mines

I. Sheka1,Ye. Tsivka1

1Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:112-121


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Purpose. To analyze composite materials and prospects of their use as fastening materials for mining of coal mines.Perform a comparative analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of the innovative material carbon fiber and metallic materials, as well as compare their features. To determine the possibility of using carbon fiber as a fastening material for mining of coal mines.

Research methodology. The generalization of physical and mechanical properties of carbon fiber on the basis of its analysis is performed. The features of mechanical properties of carbon fiber, steel and aluminum are compared, which showed that this composite material has the best physical and mechanical properties and it is expedient to use it in the fastening elements of mine workings.

Research results. The areas of use of composite materials in industry are analyzed and generalized, and it is concluded that it is better to use carbon fiber as a fastening material for coal mine workings. A comparative analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of carbon fiber and steel is performed, which shows that this composite material has identical (and sometimes even better) properties as metallic materials. The advantages and disadvantages of carbon fiber as a fastening material for mining of coal mines are estimated. It is specified that the restraining factor, today, is the cost of carbon fiber, and later their price will decrease and demand will increase. It is concluded that when using this composite material in the fasteners of mine workings, it is possible to increase the pace of their implementation, reduce the complexity of the work performed and improve working conditions while facilitating the design.

Scientific novelty. It is established that carbon fiber as a composite material can be used in the fastening elements of the preparatory workings of coal mines.

Practical value. According to the results of the analysis, it is established that carbon plastics can be used in the fastening elements of mine workings, which will promote the development of underground coal mining.

Keywords: composite material, minе workings, physical and mechanical properties, carbon fiber,fastening.


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