
Investigation of properties, structural links and structure of dispersed systems from coal sludges

А. Pavlуchenko1, О. Haidai1, V. Firsova1, T. Lampika1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:154-165


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Goal. Investigate the mineral composition of coal sludge and determine its effect on the properties, structural bonds and structure of dispersed systems from them.

The research technique consists in the application of methods for measuring the structural and mechanical properties of dispersed systems. To assess the characteristics of the mechanical properties of structured dispersed systems, the most rational methods are to determine their deformation properties: strength - ultimate shear stress, modulus of elasticity and relaxation characteristics. Macroscopic and optical methods were used to study the mineral composition of sludges from coal concentrators.

Results of the research. The study of coal industry waste as dispersed systems is performed. The factors and structured structure that influence the technological processes in the processing of coal sludge and the application of the method of electrokinetic lumping are analyzed. The mineral composition of waste - dispersed systems is determined. It is established that the main factors determining the structural and rheological properties of dispersed systems include: adhesion force in the contacts between particles, coordination number, concentration of the dispersed phase in the dispersion medium, dispersion and particle size distribution. It is proved that the main factor that determines the interaction of dispersed systems is the presence of adsorption balls of surfactants.

Scientific novelty. An inseparable connection between dispersed systems and surface phenomena, as well as the kinetics of electrochemical processes on interfacial surfaces, microheterogeneity, sorption and ion exchange processes in ultramicroporous systems has been established.

Practical meaning. Technological parameters of processes and ways of perspective treatment of wastes of coal concentrators as dispersed systems at their processing and use as additional power resources are substantiated.

Keywordsdispersed systems, structural connections, waste, coal industry, processing, technological solutions, physical and mechanical properties, mineral composition.


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