
Influence of breakages of cable groups on strength ofrubber-cable tractive-transporting element

 I. Belmas1, D. Kolosov2,O. Dolgov2, H. Tantsura1, S. Onyshchenko2

1 Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:166-174


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Purpose. Development and justification of a method of analytical determination of a stress-strain state of a flat rubber-cable tractive-transporting element with breakages of continuity of cable groups in different cross-sections.

Methodology of research is in development of a mathematical model of interaction of tractive-transporting element parts considering breakages of groups of random cables, construction of analytical solutions for determining dependencies of force distribution between cables and shear stresses in an elastic shell of a tractive-transporting element with random locations of breakages of cable groups in different cross-sections.

Findings. A model of a flat rubber-cable tractive-transporting element with random locations of breakages of cable groups in different cross-sections is developed. Expressions that allow determining a stress-strain state of a flat rubber-cable tractive-transporting element of a hoisting and transporting machine with random locations of breakages of cable groups in different cross-sections are obtained analytically in a closed form. Strength conditions are formulated.

Scientific novelty is in establishment of dependencies of interaction of disturbance fields of a stress-strain state of a rubber-cable tractive-transporting element with breakages of continuity of random cable groups in different cross-sections. It is established that disturbance fields caused by breakages of adjacent cables overlap when the breakages are located in one cross-section and there are less than three whole cables located between the broken cables. Disturbance fields also overlap when the same cable or the adjacent cable is broken in both cross-sections and the distance between cross-sections of breakage does not exceed the value, which depends on the design of a flat rubber-cable tractive-transporting element and mechanical properties of its components.

Practical significance. The obtained algorithms and strength conditions allow determining a stress-strain state and preventing the breakage of the entire flat rubber-cable tractive-transporting element with breakages of cable groups in different cross-sections. These cross-sections can be: cross-section of the edge of a butt joint, where cables have breakages of continuity; cross-section, which includes the edge of an area of partial restoration of a tractive ability of the element, lost due to breakage of a cable; cross-section of cable or cable group breakage during operation. A possibility of establishing a stress-strain state and the strength conditions of a tractive-transporting element under such conditions allows reasonable determination of a possibility of its further operation in a hoisting and transporting machine.

Keywords: hoisting and transporting machine, flat rubber-cable tractive-transporting element, mathematical model, boundary conditions, stress-strain state, cable base continuity breakage, calculation method, strength conditions.


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