
An experimental justification of industrial water strainer brush cleaner properties

D. Norenko1, V. Kukhar1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:175-187


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Purpose. Theoretical calculation of the friction resistance of the brush cleaner on the mesh screen of the strainer filter FRU-190-2 for industrial water. Experimental determination of the stiffness of one bristle of a brush cleaner. Experimental study of the resistance to movement of the brush cleaner on the strainer filter mesh screen. The purpose of writing this article is the theoretical calculation of the friction resistance of the brush cleaner on the strainer filter mesh screen of the industrial water strainer filter. Filters with a mesh screen are used in heavy industry for the first stage of water treatment. To design and calculate the properties of the brush cleaner, it is necessary to determine the geometric characteristics of the brush cleaner and the frictional resistance force when moving the brush cleaner on the strainer filter mesh screen. To confirm the results of the theoretical calculation of the frictional resistance of the brush cleaner, performed by methods of strength of materials, it is necessary to conduct an experimental study to determine the stiffness of one bristle of the brush cleaner and the resistance to movement of the brush cleaner bristles on the filter element.

The methodology of research consists in theoretical calculation by methods of strength of materialsof friction resistance of a brush on a surface of a mesh filter element of the FRU-190-2 filter for industrial water, development of a technique of carrying out experiment, confirmation of the received analytical results of theoretical calculations by experimental researches.

Findings. To determine the drag force of the brush cleaner, analytical solutions have been developed that take into account the influence of physical and geometric parameters of the bristles. Experimental confirmation of theoretical calculations is obtained.

Scientific novelty is to establish and prove the cubic dependence of the force on one wire of the brush cleaner on its deflection. Analytical dependences of calculation of effort of movement of a brush on its geometrical parameters are revealed.

Practical implications. The developed design technique and the results of calculations and experimental researches provide an possibility at the design stage to justification the geometric and physical properties of the brush cleaner of the strainer filter of industrial water.

Keywords: industrial water strainer filter, brush cleaner, filter mesh screen, movement force, one bristle length, wire length.


  1. Promyslovi filtry FRU dlia tekhnichnoi vody (n.d.). ofits. veb-sait / TOV «Okeanmashenerho»:

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