
Substantiation of research of diagnostic methods for variable section rope

І. Belmas1, А. Shvachka1

1Dnipro State Technical University, Kamyanske, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:188-197


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Purpose. The paper analyzes the diagnostic methods for ropes with variable cross-section. The rationale consists in increasing the level of efficiency, safety and identifying a reliable method for monitoring the condition, service life of mine hoisting installations with main rubber-cord ropes.

Research methodology. The analytical research method was used when receiving signals arising from a cable break. It was found that certain types of defects in which signals arise and are transmitted to the sensor when the cable breaks.

Research results. Based on these results, it was proposed to diagnose the ropes using electrical resistance and develop a device. So, diagnostics consists in applying voltage to the ends of the rope ropes according to the selected schemes and in a given sequence, establishing the magnitude of the current arising in the conductors that are supplied with voltage, analyzing certain currents, providing information about the state of the ropes and, if necessary, stopping the machine. The received signals can be used as diagnostic parameters when monitoring the condition of the rope ropes by a special system for automatic detection of rupture of rubber-rope ropes.

Scientific novelty. Improving the safety of lifting machines, in particular elevators, can be achieved by providing continuous and automatic control of the traction of ropes - the integrity of their traction elements of the cables. It is known that the control system works with the formulation, transmission and processing of the signal. The dependences of the resistance value as a diagnostic parameter of the system for monitoring the state of the main rubber-cord rope, during operation on a mine hoist, have been clarified, which make it possible to determine the currents arising in the ropes at the points of supply of the potential difference for a rope with intact ropes and in case of damage and automatically monitor the integrity of the rope base of the rope, than to increase the safety of operation of mine hoisting complexes.

Practical value. The effective norms of exploitation of rubber cord hoisting ropes have been determined; the parameters of the control system for diagnostics of integrity have been substantiated and methods for monitoring the technical condition of ropes have been developed, protected by patents for invention.

Keywords: rubber rope; variable cross section; diagnostics; steel cables; electrical resistance.


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