
Research and improvement of methods of testing machines for geometric and kinematic accuracy

V. Derbaba1, V. Nosachov1, Z. Rizo1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:198-212


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Purpose. To analyze and check for adequacy the known calculation formulas in determining the geometric and kinematic accuracy, statistical and dynamic rigidity and testing the machine for technological reliability. To carry out comparative calculations to simplify the methodology of complex tests of metal-cutting machines of the universal group. To select and improve the measuring equipment during the complex tests of the milling machine.

Methodology. The research is based on the use of analytical methods for calculating the static rigidity coefficient, additional calculation of the measuring instrument design due to the gear ratio, the angle of rotation of the lever and the theoretical error of the displacement mechanism based on the known probability distribution theorem.

Findings. The formulas of researches of the coefficient of static rigidity, the mechanism of the measuring device, the angle of rotation of the lever, the theoretical error of the mechanism of movement and the density of probability of distribution of the angle of the lever mechanism of the indicator of tangent type has been obtained.

Originality. The research has been carried out and the parametric relationship between the static rigidity coefficient in the design of the spindle assembly of the vertical milling machine with the error of the calculations of the design, the departure of the spindle cone and the location between the supports has been established. The values and functional dependences of the amplitude of oscillations on the maximum allowable spindle speeds and feed rates at which the surface roughness of the workpiece reaches the specified geometric limits has been obtained. It is experimentally confirmed that the parameters of the system of pre-planned repairs are directly related to the reliability of the machine. The resource on the accuracy of the machine determines the need for overhaul, and the repair period depends on the service life of parts and elements of the machine. The actual service life should be a multiple of the repair period, as the restoration of the part is planned during the current repair.

Practical value. The practical achievement of the obtained results is to confirm the adequacy of the known calculation formulas in determining the geometric and kinematic accuracy, statistical and dynamic rigidity and testing the machine for technological reliability. On the basis of the received analytical and settlement data was made the simplified complex technique of test of the metal-cutting machine during the:

  • testing the machine at idle;
  • testing of the machine when working under load;
  • testing of the machine for geometric and kinematic accuracy;
  • determination of statistical and dynamic rigidity;
  • research of vibration-resistant vertical milling machine;
  • testing of the machine for technological reliability.

Keywords: metal-cutting machine, rigidity, vibration resistance, reliability, measurement, testing, accuracy.


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