
On the potential of iron ore deposits of Krivbas from the positions of aesthetics, ecology and economy

S. Shevchenko1, P. Baranov2, R.S. Kirin3

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dnipropetrovsk Science Research Expert Cryminalistic Center of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

3.State Organization V. Mamutov Institute of Economic and Legal Research of NAS of Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:213-228


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Purpose. Analysis of world experience in using the aesthetic potential of exploited mineral deposits, taking into account environmental problems and comparison with the opportunities that arise in the development of iron ore deposits in Kryvbas, to create a powerful multifunctional museum and tourist center.

Method. The work uses general scientific research methods - empirical and theoretical (analysis, generalization, comparison, explanation). Part of the work is based on the results of previous studies.

Results. It is shown that the ecological situation in Kryvbas due to the active development of iron ore deposits requires the restoration of a favorable geological environment through special investment projects, taking into account the aesthetic and ecological components. Decorative jespilites are considered as one of the most attractive aesthetic aspects of iron ore deposits and the possibility of creating highly artistic products that can reveal not only the beauty of this gem, but also recreate the history, geology, culture of this industrial center with vivid artistic images. In comparison with well-known world analogues, it is shown that Kryvbas as a unique region has all the necessary components to create a powerful cultural and educational museum (business center), which will attract interested tourists, including foreign ones, and eventually gain the status of a cultural monument. world recognition.

Scientific novelty. The key aesthetic aspect is revealed and the realization of investment projects on restoration of the sustainable ecological environment on the exploited iron ore deposits of Kryvbas is substantiated taking into account the world tendencies and experience in this sphere.

Practical significance. Examples of realization of world-famous ecological and aesthetic developments in the mining and geological field are given, decorative and artistic properties of jespilite in products and sketch projects are shown, comparison of Kryvbas potential with the operating cultural and educational center on the basis of Wieliczka mine (Poland) is made.

Keywords: ecology, aesthetics, iron ore deposits of Kryvbas, jespilite.


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