
Design and development of software industrial controllers based on status

O. Boyko1, E. Voskoboinyk 1,S. Protsenko1, D. Slavinskyi1

1 Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:229-238


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Purpose. Propose a formal approach to the design and development of control system software.

The methods. The bulk of the tasks solved by modern automation systems require the implementation of control algorithms based on finite state machines. When developing software for control systems, it is advisable to graphically represent control algorithms, as their design, analysis and operation are more understandable to consultants. Therefore, the proposed approach consists of three stages: drawing up a verbal description of the algorithm of the technological process, designing the control system software in the form of a state graph and software development.

Findings. The paper analyzes the current state of design and software development of control systems based on industrial controllers. Based on this, it is established that there is currently no systematic approach to this issue, in the technical documentation and literature, as well as in training courses provided by companies producing hardware and software for industrial controllers, only general issues related to the use of their development environments are considered. and standard libraries. Based on this, the relevance of creating a formal approach to software development of industrial controllers.

The originality. For the first time, a formal approach to the design and development of control system software based on programmable logic controllers in the Ladder Diagram language has been proposed.

Practical implementation. The obtained approach allows to perform the transition from state graphs to their software implementation using only typical structural elements and requires only their adjustment according to the conditions and actions of the transition arcs. The development of this study involves solving complex issues of design and software development of industrial controllers based on state graphs in order to formalize them.

Keywords: control system, technological process, control object, industrial controller, software design, software development, Mealy machine, state graph, Ladder Diagram.


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