
The implementation of a digital system for automatic continuous control object, based on a physical model of the object using a thermal Scada Zenon system

E. Voskoboynik1, O. Boyko1, O. Karpenko1, D. Slavinskyi1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64:253-263


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Purpose. Develop a methodology for the implementation of digital control systems for continuous objects on a personal computer, which should provide:

  • bringing the temperature in the chamber to a given value at a given range of air flow in the system;
  • maintaining the temperature in the chamber at a given level at a given range of air flow in the system;
  • visualization and control of the stand of the thermal object;
  • control of fan speed in order to create a disturbing effect;
  • registration of process parameters in the thermal object.

The methods. The development is carried out through the phased implementation of a digital control system for a continuous object, implemented on a personal computer. The proposed approach consists of the main stages: a controller is synthesized in a continuous form, which implements the proportional-integral-differential (PID) control law. The simulation of the obtained system is performed in the mathematical package MATLAB. At the next stage on the personal computer the software implementation of the synthesized digital regulator is executed. At the last stage, the hardware elements of the control system were developed and implemented.

Findings. The use of this approach in the development of a system of automatic control of a continuous object on the basis of a thermal object allows you to effectively create a complete hardware and software part of digital SAC using Scada system Zenon. This will significantly reduce the duration and cost of commissioning of ACS in production conditions at the actual control facility. Which makes it possible to significantly reduce the duration and cost of commissioning of ACS in production conditions at the actual control facility.

The originality. For the first time, a method of creating a control system for thermal objects, based on programmable logic controller with the synthesis of the system in the mathematical package MATLAB.

Practical implimintation. The obtained data allow to bring the model as close as possible to the real control system and to perform effective testing of its functioning in non-production conditions.

Keywords: ZENON, MATLAB, SCADA, PLC, automation, thermal object.


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