
Intellectual agents of targets in analytical constructing of optimum systems of management of drum mills

L. Meshcheriakov1, A. Kozhevnykov1, S. Prykhodchenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 64: 264-272


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Purpose. Justification of the rational use of intellectual agents in forming of the quasi-optimal systems of management furnaces of complexes of type drum mills as observers of complete order.

A method of research consists of decision of the best laws management by the mining complexes by the use of methods of the analytical constructing of optimum regulators withthe input in their structures of such essences as intellectual agents as observers of complete order.

Results of research. Management by the mining and processing complexes it is perspective to carry out on the basis of the quasi-optimal systems of management. Taking into account properties and sensitiveness of intellectual agents, expediently to include them at the analytical constructing of regulators in the structure of observers of complete order. This increases in accordance with securing functional of quality criterion of exactness of optimum stabilization of rational technology of process of growing shallow in the drum mills.

Scientific novelty. A new structure is set of the quasi-optimal system of management by the technological dynamics of drum mills with the asymptotic observer of complete order. Of efficiency of recognition and operative management it is suggested to carry the rise out on the basis of functional possibilities of intellectual agents of targets, as which an observer comes forward of complete order in aggregate with the considered technological processes in the mining and processing complexes.

Practical value. Results of researches allow to recommend a rational chart of quasi-optimal management by the drum mills in accordance with the set criterion. In the spectrum of the active power consumable by the drive electric motor technological constituents are selected, which are conditioned by the difficult vibrations of ore mass of filling of drum. Their maximal values are selected ekstremum by detector and are watched by the observer of complete order with the optimum stabilization. This allows to secure intensification of return of the prepared class.

Keywords: quasi-optimal system,optimum management, analytical constructing, intellectual agents, mining complexes, drum mills.


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