
Analysis of geological conditions of distribution and features structures of sandstone laying in the roof development of coal layers in conditions in the conditions of Western Donbass mine

S. Vlasov1, S. Timchenko1, Y. Moldavanov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:7-15


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Purpose. Perform statistical analysis of sandstones as a separate lithological subsystem in terms of geological conditions and structural features based on a set of collected data of geological forecast of Western Donbass mines such as depth, power fluctuations, distances and angles of sand-stones above the development layers. Based on the results of the analysis to establish the patterns of distribution of random variables.

Methods. The statistical method of research of geological data of technical documentation is used in the work, which is aimed at collecting primary statistical material, processing, systemati-zation and grouping, from characteristics of individual elements to generalizing indicators in the form of absolute, relative or average values of ordering, processing and interpretation.

Findings. The results of statistical analysis of the depths of coal seams development in the mi-nes, the capacity of sandstones, the distance and angles of sandstones above the roof of the develop-ment layers are presented. Based on the statistical analysis, the regularities of the distribution of random variables are established.

Originality. As a result of statistical analysis, for the first time established patterns of distribu-tion of random variables. Namely, it is established that the change of random values of development depth has the character of Poisson and Gaussian distribution, fluctuations of sandstone power, distance and angles of their occurrence above the formation, have the character of exponential distribution.

Practical implications. The established regularities will allow modeling the stepwise movement of the excavation face of the excavation area taking into account the changing presence of sandsto-ne in the roof, to predict the impact of the above sandstones on the technology of treatment extrac-tion, which will increase the efficiency of coal mining in Western Donbass.

Keywords: siltstone, argillite, sandstone, distance between layers, coal seam, depth of development, angle of occurrence, roof of formation, thickness of formation.


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