
Analysis of the determination accuracy of  mineral volumes in dumps using modern application software

O. Kuchin1, O. Zgama1, A. Barichnikov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:16-27


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Purpose. To determine the error of the minerals volume calculation in dumps of mining enterprises due to errors in surface surveying and calculation of volumes with modern application software products.

Research methodology. The results of field surveying of the 13 million m3 dump surface with an electronic total station and GNSS-receiver are used in the work. Theoretical research was performed in the application software product SAMARA (System of mine surveying works automation) using the Fata Morgana module to create models of the dump surface and to calculate its volume with different input parameters.

The results. The errors of determining the mineral volume due to instrumental surveying that were performed with different methods and instruments are presented. It is established that the average error of a point absolute height determination using optical devices is about 45 mm and using electronic total stations of an average accuracy class – 22 mm. According to the results of the analysis the errors in the volumes calculation due to method and technique of creating a three-dimensional model of the surface reach 3%, which is the minimum allowable value for small dumps. The analysis of volumes accuracy calculation due to complexity of a surface and a step of primitive volume elements by means of modeling in the SAMARA software environment is made.

Scientific novelty.  The analysis of the mineral volume calculation error in the dumps of mining enterprises that depends on the methods of surveying, selected instruments and the complexity of the surface is made in the modern conditions of performing and processing of mine surveying works.

Practical value.  Is to develop recommendations for the determination of mineral volumes in dumps and to analyze of possible errors. With the help of the research it is possible: to edit the requirements of the current mine surveying standard of 1987, which does not meet the modern conditions of performing and processing of mine surveying works; to suggest parameters for volumes calculation in the SAMARA software system.

Keywords: volume, model, bump, tacheometric surveying, application software, error, topographic surface, mining enterprise, surveying instruments.


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