
Increasing the stability of mining products by redistributing the load on the frame support

Ye. Pavlov1, E. Fesenko1, A. Novak1

1 Metinvest Polytechnic Technical University LLC, Mariupol, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:28-37


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Objective. To assess the increase in the bearing capacity of the frame support by the method of explosive unloading of roof rocks by creating various schemes for distributing the external load on the frame.

Research methods. Numerous studies were carried out by the method of finite elements of the bearing capacity of frame support using the "Lira" software package.

Findings. The finite element method was used to study the regularities of changes in the bearing capacity of the frame support of a mine working depending on the change in the type of load. By comparing various schemes of load on the support, recommendations were developed for the placement of unloading holes around the working and the expediency and sufficiency of the scheme for unloading the roof of the working from stresses by two loosening charges, which are placed above the yielding nodes, were proved. Recommendations have been developed to improve the stability of mine workings by redistributing the load on the frame support by explosive unloading of the roof rocks.

The originality. The dependence of the stability of the mine workings and the bearing capacity of the frame support during the explosive unloading of the roof rocks on the distribution laws of the external load applied to the frame support from the massif side has been established.It has been proven that the frame support can withstand the greatest load when using a triangular load distribution, when the maximum load comes on the support struts, which can be achieved using the method of explosive unloading with two loosening charges in the roof of the mine.

Practical implications consist in determining the parameters of ensuring the stability of mine workings using explosive unloading of roof rocks, depending on different load schemes on the frame support and the development of recommendations for increasing the stability of mine workings carried out in various mining and geological conditions. The triangular scheme of loading on the frame support is provided when using the explosive unloading of roof rocks with two loosening charges, while the density of the support installation can be reduced by at least two times for arched and trapezoidal frame support.

Keywords: development workings, frame support, frame performance, explosive unloading, loosening charge, bending moment, finite element modeling.


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