
Influence of the value of hollows of fixing space of arch support on stability of mining structure

Ye. Pavlov1, E. Fesenko1, A. Novak1

1 Metinvest Polytechnic Technical University LLC, Mariupol, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:38-49


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Objective. To assess the effect of the size of the voids of the anchorage space of the arch support on the stability of mine workings.

Research methods. The studies were carried out by means of mine instrumental measurements of the voids of the anchorage space with statistical processing of the results.

Findings. Mine instrumental measurements studied the statistical regularities of the distribution and sizes of voids in the fixing space of mine workings, carried out by drilling and blasting and combine methods. The reasons for the appearance of voids in the anchorage space in the workings carried out by drilling and blasting and combine harvester methods and their overestimation from the standards have been established.Significant exceeding of normative voids of fixing space at drilling and combining carrying out of mine workings is shown. It is proved that in most cases the fixing space is not filled with forgotten, which is a violation of the rules of conducting and securing underground mine workings. It is proved that when the roof rocks are displaced in the absence of a retaining space, the load on the fastening is formed in the form of a concentrated force, which significantly reduces the load-bearing capacity of the frame fastening and the stability of production. The working technologies used in the mines (BVR and combine) and the technical condition of the equipment do not provide normal conditions for the operation of the workings and the operation of the fasteners, when the load is distributed evenly throughout the circuit.

The originality. Study of the regularities of the distribution of voids in the fixed space of mine workings, carried out by drilling and blasting and combine methods.

Practical implications. The measure of the reduction in rock stability and the bearing capacity of the support in the real conditions of excavation has been estimated. The results of the study will prevent the negative impact of the cavities of the fastening space on the stability of the workings and understand how the fastening interacts with the array of rocks at the time of mining.

Keywords: development workings, roofing, tightening, voids, arch support.


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