
Influence of main mining-geological and mining-technical parameters on rock destruction processes in the foot wallof mine workings

E. Fesenko1, Ye. Pavlov1, A. Novak1

1 Metinvest Polytechnic Technical University LLC, Mariupol, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:60-68


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Objective. Substantiation of the calculation method for assessing the thickness of heaving soil rocks and determining the most significant factors affecting this value.

Research methods. Using the methods of continuum mechanics, the longitudinal-transverse stability of layered soil rocks, their ability to resist bending under the action of external loads are considered. The process of the formation of a zone of inelastic deformations in the working soil has been investigated. Determination of the depth of destruction of rocks in the corners of the working is carried out by calculating the stress state on the contour of a mine working of arbitrary shape and elastic application of stresses.

Findings. A method is proposed for determining the depth of destruction of rocks in the corners of the working by calculating the stress state on the contour of a mining working of an arbitrary shape. The degree of influence of the main mining-geological and mining-technical factors on the size of the layer of destroyed rocks in the floor of working, for which further loss of stability and heaving is possible, is shown. The method proposed in the work allows to significantly simplify the calculations and timely and efficiently apply the methods of combating the heaving of the floor of working.

The originality. A design scheme and a method for determining the thickness of layered soil rocks in mine workings have been developed, for which loss of stability and further bulging into the workings is possible. The influence of the main mining-geological and mining-technical factors on the magnitude of the uplift of rocks in the floor of working has been investigated and it has been proved that the depth of the excavation and the strength of the rocks in the floor of working have the greatest influence on this value. In this case, the influence of the lateral expansion coefficient of the massif is insignificant.

Practical implications. An engineering method is proposed for calculating the thickness of a layer of rocks in the floor of working prone to heaving, taking into account the main mining-geological and mining-technical factors affecting the geomechanical processes occurring in the rocks in the floor of working, which makes it possible to significantly simplify calculations and timely and efficiently apply methods of combating rocks in the floor of working heaving in mine workings.

Keywords: mine working, floor of working, floor of working heaving, thickness of the swelling layer, loss of bearing capacity, strength.


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