
Development of a model of reproduction of internal reserves of coal mines

A. Khorolskyi1, E. Frentsel2, O. Mamaikin3

1Institute for Physics of Mining Processes the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 DTEKPavlogradugol Private Joint-Stock Company, Pavlograd, Ukraine

3Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:77-87


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Purpose. To develop and verify a new methodological approach to a comprehensive assessment of the technological potential of coal mining enterprises.

The methods. To solve the problem, an integrated approach was applied based on the introduction of a neoclassical production function in the form of a Solow model for analyzing the state in the coal mining industry, as well as assessing the economic reliability coefficient to develop recommendations for improving technical and economic indicators. The efficiency of the enterprise can be assessed by the ratio of the flows of incoming (capital) and output (level of production) resources, while the innovative component is significant. Analysis of the relationship between resource flows allows you to choose the optimal scenarios for the development of production and form the principles for the design of production at a certain stage of development.

Findings. For the first time, the paper proposes a model for assessing the parameters of mining, which demonstrates the ratio of production functions and resources. With the help of the developed model, it is possible to trace in time the efficiency of the use of production resources, to determine the volume of production, to calculate the main parameters of the functioning of coal mines, to study at the expense of which resources the increase in productivity is achieved.

The originality. For the first time, the regularities of the formation of the level of efficiency of a coal mining enterprise were established and approaches to the design of production were developed, considering the field of rational operation. It was revealed that the final volume of production depends not only on the means of mechanization of mining and geological conditions, the cost of purchasing and servicing the means of mechanization, but also on the likelihood of a particular production scenario, therefore, to describe mining production, the expediency of using stochastic models has been substantiated. Assessment of the current state of production and forecasting development scenarios make it possible to form a "behavioral model" of operational management of the enterprise.

Practical implementation. Methods of combined control of processes of simple and extended reproduction of the potential of technological schemes of mines by regulating the resource potential of mines are proposed. Moreover, the procedure of gradient reduction of the limit on technological resources and regulation of the value of the functional to values that bring the results of the mine operation to the possible break-even threshold is a generally recognized form of analysis of the results of modeling for sensitivity. A comprehensive assessment of the state of the technological scheme of a mine in four areas can significantly increase the level of objectivity of the result in comparison with the assessment of only one indicator.

Keywords: productive flow, production function, method of production, production function, efficiency, criterion.


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