
Process of expansion in production technologies of of large diameter pipes for main oil and gas pipelines and metal scientific aspects of its use

О. Loskutov1, V. Ovsyanikov1, V. Protsiv2, V. Hryhorenko2

1 UKRTRUBOIZOL LLC, Meliorativne, Ukraine

2 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:99-106


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Purpose. The purpose of the publication is to present the main provisions about the expansion process and about the metallurgical aspects of its use.

The methods. In recent years, enterprises for the production of large diameter welded pipes have been established and are operating in Ukraine. Mainly, this is the production of pipes according to GOST 10704-91, GOST 10705-80, GOST 10706-76, where the use of expansion is not provided. After the shutdown of the Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant (which remained in the temporarily occupied territory) there was a need for pipes for main oil and gas pipelines according to GOST 20295, DSTU ISO 3183: 2017 and other standards and norms where expansion is used, as additional heat treatment of large pipes diameter requires the construction of thermal shops with large furnaces. This is a significant additional investment. The operation of such units will increase the cost of finished products due to the high cost of energy – gas and / or electricity.

Findings. In 2019-2020 the enterprise with foreign investments of LLC NPP "Ukrtruboizol" has installed and put into operation a new modern line for the production of steel straight-seam pipes with a diameter of 406.4 mm to 1422 mm. Production of pipes according to GOST 10704-91, GOST 10705-80, GOST 10706-76 with a diameter from 426 mm to 1420 mm with walls from 6 mm to 24 mm thick inclusive is adjusted.

From June 2021, a new hydromechanical expander is being installed. After completion of this procedure, the line will be equipped with modern equipment for the full technological cycle of production of large diameter pipes (TBD) for main oil and gas pipelines according to GOST 20295 from steel of strength class K34 to K60, DSTU ISO 3183: 2017 and other standards and norms.

The limits of the coefficient of plastic deformation that occurs during the expansion of pipes on the equipment to be used are determined.

The originality. The main metallurgical aspects of the expansion process include features related to elastic and plastic deformations and residual stresses in the metal, as well as issues of weld quality.

Practical implementation. The necessity of carrying out the procedure of expansion of large-diameter straight-seam welded pipes is substantiated, if they have not undergone additional heat treatment.

Keywords: pipeline transport systems, large diameter pipes, forming, welding, expansion, residual stresses, technological equipment, regulatory documentation, reliability of oil and gas transportation system, elastic and plastic deformation, increase in pipe diameter.


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