
Optimization of geotechnical building parameters for stabilization of stress-strain state of soil mass

N. Zuievska1, L. Shaidetska1, V. Gubashova2, M. Altalabani1

1Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine

2LLC JV Osnova-Solsif, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:130-141


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Purpose. Establishment of effective parameters of the enclosing structures of deep pits and methods of additional fastening of these structures in conditions of dense urban development.

The research methodology consists in solving the problem of joint operation of the "support-surrounding massif" system, numerical modeling by the finite element method (FEM). According to the results of calculations, the stability coefficients of the soil massif depending on the parameters of  deep penetration of the enclosing structures were changed.

Research results. The coefficients of stability of a soil massif with elements of fastening of deep pits from loads created by the surrounding massif with options for fastening slopes with the use of a enclosing structures, made using a special method "wall in the ground", and fastening  elements in the form of soil-cement anchors were additional.

Scientific novelty. Reduction of costs for the construction of a "wall in the soil" by reducing the deepened part of the reinforced concrete structure and the use of ground anchors is achieved through the use of two modern geotechnical applied computer modeling packages that minimize costs by optimizing technological processes. It should be noted that Plaxis and Slide are used for modeling and calculation of different methods. Plaxis is based on the finite element method, Slide used limit equilibrium methods. The combination of these two packages for the analysis of the change in the coefficient of stability is convenient in order to confirm by modeling the required length of the structure of the fence of deep recesses.

Practical value. The proposed options for calculating the fencing of pits by the numerical finite element method, which allows you to get a complete picture of the change in the stress-strain state of the structure "fastening-array" and their joint work in the shortest possible time and with the maximum reflection of real conditions. The methods of modeling complex geotechnical objects were further developed with the implementation of an extended analysis by the finite element method or the limiting equilibrium of soil deformation and stability.

Keywords: stress-strain state, finite element method, "Wall in the ground", soil-cement anchors.


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