
Automatic control of temperature in the room of the building using the combined regulator

A. Bublikov1, O. Boyko1, Ye. Voskoboinyk1, I. Kolysnychenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:155-169


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Objective is to improve the quality of automatic temperature control in the building through the combined use of optimal regulator on speed criterion and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) regulator.

Research methodology. The simulation of process of automatic temperature control in the building was used to study this process. At the same time, a simulation model of the automatic control system was created using the proposed combinedregulator based on the optimal on speed criterion and PID control laws. To prove the efficiency of the automatic temperature control system in the room according to the proposed algorithm, with the help of simulation the transient process at the output of the control system under different situations is investigated.

Findings. The possibility of efficient use of different types of regulator for a discrete control object with pulse-width modulation of the control signal is proved. The parameters of the pulse-width modulator of the control signal are substantiated, taking into account the inertia of the control object. The dependences of the regulator parameters on the characteristics of the transient process at the output of the control system for different dynamic properties of the control object are determined.

Originality. It is established that the dependence of the transition process time on the switching time between the regulators is proportional and is approximately exponential. In turn, the dependence of overshoot in the transient process at the output of the control system on the switching time between the regulators is approximately parabolic with a minimum extremum. At the same time, the detected dependencies are non-stationary and change their location relative to the coordinate axes, without changing shape, when changing parameters of the control object.

Practical implications. The established dependences of the regulator parameters on the characteristics of the transient process at the output of the control system allow to determine the optimal parameters of the combinedregulator for different dynamic properties of the control object, provided the fastest transient process without exceeding the allowable overshoot of the controlled value. This allows to improve the quality of working off of the user-defined thermogram by the control system and, due to this, to increase the comfort of being in the room. In addition, by preventing fluctuations of the controlled value, the specific energy consumption for room space heating is reduced.   

Keywords: temperature at the room, automatic control, combinedregulator.


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