
Phytoremediation of coal dumps of the Western Donbass

S. Krasovskyi1, O. Kovrov1, I. Klimkina1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:170-178


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Purpose. Determination of physical and chemical parameters of the rock mass of coal dumps of the mine "Pavlogradskaya" and evaluation of the effectiveness of phytoremediation processes of coal dumps of mining enterprises.

Methodology. The research methodology consists in a comprehensive analysis of such physical and chemical parameters of soil and clay as: pH, specific electrical conductivity of the soil (EC), the total content of heavy metals, other toxic and rare-earth elements. For an intact soil sample, the quantitative content of nutrients for plants was additionally determined, namely, NO3-, NH4 +, PO43- ions (spectrophotometrically) and the concentration of mobile forms of elements obtained by water extraction and extraction with ammonium acetate buffer (pH = 7) and ammonium acetate solution with the addition of citric acid (pH=4).

Findings. It was found that the pH of the soil from the reclamation site is 8.78, the specific electrical conductivity is 301.9 μS/cm. It was found that this substrate has an insufficient amount of nitrogen (from 0.176 mg/kg) and ammonium forms of nitrogen (0.0035 mg/kg), as well as phosphates (0.0016 mg/kg). ICP-MS analysis of the total content of trace elements in the soil from the reclamation site showed that the concentration of such elements as Co, As and Cu exceeds the TLV norms by 1.2; 10.1 and 1.9 times, respectively. Based on the obtained parameters, phytoremediation methods were analyzed, which are typical for reclaimed dumps of mines in the Western Donbass to improve the general ecological situation at the mine "Pavlogradskaya" and the possibility of returning these areas to agriculture.

Originality. Regularities of change of physical and chemical parameters of coal dumps in the conditions of mines of the Western Donbass and absorption properties of red-brown clay for reduction of migratory activity of heavy metals are established.

Practical implications. The results of research allow by selecting the method of phytoremediation to develop effective measures to improve the physicochemical parameters of the substrate and reduce the migration of heavy metals in the components of the environment.

Keywords: coal mine, dump, physical and chemical properties, heavy metals, phytoremediation, reclamation


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