
Assessment of water pollution by microplastic

M. Fortuna1, O. Borysovska1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:195-206


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Purpose. To determine of the level of pollution of the Dnieper water area with microplastics and to develop recommendations for its reduction.

The methodology of research. Water samples of the Dnieper River after filtration at the sampling site through a cotton filter were examined in the laboratory using a microscope Andonstar AD106S. The average particle sizes of microplastics, median, mode and the nature of the distribution of the set of values were determined by the methods of mathematical statistics. The concentration of microplastics in river water samples within the central part of the city and the general level of pollution of the Dnieper River were determined by the analytical method.

Findings. The concentration of microplastics in the studied water samples of the Dnieper River at different distances from the place of stormwater discharge was established. The sizes of microplastic particles and types of plastic were determined. When analysing the size fractions of microplastic particles, it was found that the number of large microplastic particles according to R. Thompson significantly exceeds the number of mesoplastic particles. The estimated number of microplastic particles in the surface water of the studied water area of the Dnieper River was calculated. Recommendations for reducing the pollution of the aquatic environment with microplastics are proposed: a ban on the use of primary microplastics in cosmetic products and reducing the use of it in other industries; use of biopolymers that are quickly and relatively safely assimilated by the environment; sorting of household waste by the population and recycling; mechanical treatment of stormwater before discharge into water bodies.

The originality. The dependence of the concentration of microplastics on the distance from the place of discharge of wastewater in the Dnieper River has been established. The process of particle deposition can be described by a polynomial function of the third degree.

Practicalimplications. The results of the research allow to assess the degree of pollution of river water within the city of Dnipro by microplastics and to develop recommendations for its reduction.

Keywords: microplastic, aquatic environment, maximum permissible concentration, particles, pollution, hasard.


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