
Study of the motor transport influence on the thermal regime of the territories adjacent to highways

A. Mulina1, А. Pavlуchenko1

1 DniproUniversityofTechnology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:207-219


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Goal. Investigation of the surface’s temperature of highways of the Dnipro city depending on the type of covering, features of the territory development, locality relief and weather conditions with the subsequent environmental recommendations.

Research results. The temperature regimes of the highway, sidewalks, as well as the areas adjacent to the highways of the Dnipro city were assessed. Measurements of surface temperatures on different sections of highways were carried out three times a day: in the morning from 8.00 to 9.00, in the afternoon - from 13.00 to 14.00 and in the evening from 18.00 to 19.00. It is established that in the studied areas the fluctuations of the temperature difference in the morning are: section №1 from 7.7 °С to 13.4°С, section №2 from 13.2 °С to 21.1 °С, section №3 from 8,3 to 16.5 °C. The surface temperature of the asphalt during the day varies in the area №1 from 22.9 ° C to 40.5 ° C, the area №2 from 19.6 ° C to 28.3 °C, the area №3 from 27.3 °C to 37,3 °C. It is established that at increase of air temperature by 3 °С (from 29 °С to 32 °С) the surface of an asphalt covering in open space heats up to 68,5 °С. The surface temperature of the asphalt in the evening differs in the area №1 from 0 °C to 8 °C, the area №2 from 3.5 °C to 4.3 °C, the area №3 from 3.1 °C to 14.5 °C. At an air temperature in the evening 28-30 °С,maximum temperature of the asphalt surface in open space reaches54,2 °С.

Scientific novelty. Regularities of change of a temperature mode of a canvas of the highway, sidewalks, and lawns depending on features of construction and gardening of the territory adjacent to highways are established.

Practical meaning. The results of the study confirmed the close relationship between the temperature regime and the nature of the construction of the territory, the presence of large areas of open space, as well as the intensity of traffic at intersections. The results of the work can be used to improve the methods of thermal management of territories in the area of highway influence.

Keywords: motor transport, highway, environmental danger, thermal pollution, ecological conditionof the city, landscaping



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