
The current state of surface development of non-metallic mineral deposits for the production of crushed stone products

B. Sobko1, L. Hrytsenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:7-16


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Purpose. To analyze the mining and geological features of the occurrence and development of non-metallic mineral deposits, the current state of research and areas to substantiate the technology of open pit mining for the production of crushed stone products.

Research methodology. Analytical, statistical, graphoanalytical, experimental researches in the conditions of operating quarries, laboratory experimental researches, technical and economic analysis and forecasting are applied at performance of researches.

The results. The conducted research allowed to perform the analysis of mining and geological features of occurrence and modern experience of mining operations in existing quarries of non-metallic minerals and in quarries that resume their work; the analysis of scientific researches and directions on substantiation of technologies of open development of minerals for production of crushed stone production is carried out; features of development of the specified deposits are investigated.

Scientific novelty. In the analysis of the current state of scientific research to substantiate the technology of opencast mining of non-metallic mineral deposits and determine the characteristics of these deposits using mobile and mobile crushing and sorting plants for the production of crushed stone products.

Practical value. The results of the research allowed to establish the characteristic features of mining enterprises, which have a significant impact on the development of deposits and the choice of effective technological schemes for mining operations for the extraction of non-metallic raw materials for the production of crushed stone products.

Keywords: non-metallic mineral deposits, mining, quarry, technological scheme of crushed stone products, crushing and sorting plants.


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