
Research of mining works development dynamics at the exploitation of flat deposits

G. Korsunskyi1, O. Lozhnikov1, O. Konoplova1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:26-37


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Purpose. To develop a sequence of actions to establish the dynamics of the flat deposits development from opening to completion of mining operations based on the analysis of research and practical achievements in the field of surface mining.

Research methodology. During the research, the method of analysis and systematization was used when choosing a criterion for the influence of mining and geological conditions of a flat deposit, as well as parameters and indicators of technological schemes that take place during the development stages of a flat deposit.

The results.The dynamics of the mining operations development at the mining of flat minerals deposits has been determined. To solve this technological problem, it is recommended to divide the entire development period of the deposit into the following main stages of mining operations: Stage 1 – opening of a mineral deposit; Stage 2 – start of field development (development of the first overburden cut); Stage 3 – development of a mineral deposit; Stage 4 – completion of field development.

Scientific novelty. The studies performed make it possible to establish a connection between the stages of mining, which allows for more efficient implementation of current and long-term plans for mining operations, as well as design studies of a relatively uniform level of mining in a planned mode within a pit field during the development of flat mineral deposits.

Practical value. The results obtained from the study of parameters and indicators of mining operations technological schemes within the framework of the proposed stages at  the development of flat deposits of minerals make it possible to more efficiently carry out current and long-term plans of mining operations, to evaluate the parameters and indicators of technological schemes. Thus, the opportunity is realized to offer an effective development system of a flat deposit for the planned production of minerals within the pit area. An example of the implementation of the proposed methodology on the dynamics of the development of mining operations in the mining and geological conditions of the Nikopol manganese ore basin is given.

Keywords: dragline technology, walking excavator, dynamics of flat deposits development, development of flat mineral deposit, stages of flat deposits development, opening of flat deposits.


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