
Analitical investigastion of the undercut rock placement parameters in the mined-out space using the horizontaly closed backfilling conveyor

D. Malashkevych1, M. Petlovanyi1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:49-62


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PurposeDetermination of the placement parameters of undercut rock in the mined-out space using the horizontally closed stowing conveyor while selective technological scheme for thin coal seam extraction.

Methodology. To achieve the set goals, analytical and numerical methods for determining technological parameters were used in the work.

Results. The paper presents the results of analytical studies that allow us to determine the main parameters of the undercut rock placement when using the horizontally closed backfilling conveyor to ensure the organization of effective selective mining of thin coal seams.Using the example of numerical calculation methods for the selected characteristic conditions of the Western Donbass, the degree of filling of the mined-out space Kзwas determined from the design height of the bakfilling conveyor line hвст, the rock slope angle γ and the mining thickness of the coal seam mвmin.The maximum values of the undercut rock mпрwere substantiated, taking into account the volume of the cavity of the worked-out space, which is subject to filling by rock, the location of the elements of backfilling equipment and options for technological schemes for selective mining.It has been established that with selective mining of the coal seam in one pass of the shearer in the range of the mining thickness mв min= 1.16 - 1.22 m, the entire volume of the undercut rock, which is removed in the working face, can be fully placed in the worked out space.In this case, the angle of inclination of the backfilling conveyor line should be β ≤ 15˚ in the case of mining a coal seam with a geological thickness of mвуг= 0.65 - 0.7 m; β ≤ 20˚ at mвуг= 0.75 m; β ≤ 25˚ at mвуг= 0.8 m.Selective extraction of seams with geological thickness mвуг= 0.7 - 0.8 m using a one-sided excavation scheme ensures that the full volume of the undercut rock is left in the worked-out area. In the case of mining a seam with geological thickness mвуг≤ 0.7 m, a surplus of rock is formed, which must be discharged outside the boundaries of the production site. The tendencies of the change in the length of the rock strip lз, which is formed in the mined-out space from the design parameters of the location of the horizontally closed stowing conveyor and the parameters of the seam development, which make it possible to assess the possibility of safe operation of the mining set of equipment during the selective extraction of coal have been revealed.

Keywords: waste rock, mined-out space, selective technology, parameters.


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