
Substantiation of the device of aspiration ships at overloading of rock mass on conveyors

O. Mukha1, I. Luts1, A. Yurchenko1, D. Saveliev1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:63-71


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Purpose. Development of a mathematical model of the process of dust formation at the points of reloading of rock mass on conveyor lines and determination of the critical speed of air flow in the vertical direction, at which dust particles will become suspended, which necessitates the use of technical means of dust suppression.

Research methodology. To achieve this goal, methods of physical and mathematical modeling of the behavior of dust particles at the points of reloading of rock mass on conveyors and the process of dust formation in these places were used.

Findings. The analysis of theoretical studies of air dustiness in underground conveyor drifts, dust formation processes at the points of rock mass transfer has been carried out, the nature of the movement of a dust particle at transfer points has been investigated, and a mathematical model of dust formation in these places has been developed. An analytical expression is obtained for calculating the speed of air movement in the vertical direction at the points of reloading of the burrowing mass, at which dust particles will be in suspension, as a criterion for the need to install an aspiration shelter.

Scientific novelty. The theoretical provisions that establish the mode of movement of a dust particle at the point of reloading of rock mass on conveyors have been further developed, a mathematical model of the process of dust formation at reloading points has been developed. The use of the value of the vertical component of the air flow at the place of overloading of the rock mass on conveyors as a criterion for the need to install technical means of dust suppression has been substantiated

Practical implications. The obtained research results can be used to substantiate the need for the construction of aspiration shelters, or other means of dust suppression, in the places of overloading the rock mass on conveyors. The research results can be used in other industries where bulk cargo is transported using conveyor lines.

Keywords: conveyor drift, transfer point, dust generation, mathematical model, aspiration shelter, air movement, critical speed.


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